July 27, 2007


Chequen este juego, ta idiotizante:


July 25, 2007

Sobre Agujeros Negros

Rapido: Ayer estaba viendo un documental sobre la vida Stephen Hawking, en donde se da a entender que él no es mas que un fenómeno mediático que no cuenta con un respaldo verdadero entre la comunidad científica mundial. Principalmente, debido a que dentro de su teoria sobre lo que sucede "después" de un agujero negro, donde él postula que la información no se pierde, pero el tiempo y la materia si.

Enseguida salió un frupo de científicos y "compobaron" que eso era mentira, que la materia solamente llegaba a otro lado. La principal confrontación era saber que pasaba con un agujero negro después de que hubiese tragado todo lo que está a su alrededor. Hawking postulaba que al morir el agujero, todo lo que el se llevaba se perdía, siendo totalmente contrario al postulado clásico de que "la matería no se crea ni se destruye, solo se transforma".

Actualmente, la teoria cuántica moderna le esta dando al traste a ambas posturas, ya que se cree que si una persona "cayera" en un agujero negro, para el "expectador" (figura sumamente importante en la física cuántica) esa otra persona se despedazaría en atomos, pero para la persona que estpa cayendo, absolutamente nada sucedería, el seguiría "existiendo" ya que la información (ya diganlo... el alma) que lo compone no se ve afectada por ls fuerzas del agujero.

Ahora, la NASA ha descubierto que la fuerza y el alcance de un agujero negro es proporcional a la carga de materia que está atrayendo. Esto quiere decir, que en un final, el hoyo negro ya no tendrá que tragar, posiblemente al haber consumido a todo el universo, y se detendrá. Muy posiblemente este sea el principio de la Entropía (proceso contrario a la expansión del universo).

Lo curioso, es que parece que al final de cuentas, la teoria de Hawking no estaba tan errada...
La nota está aqui.

July 24, 2007

Transformer Pig

Click to enlarge


You can't imagine my surprise when i got to work and found out this (it's really amazing... so please have a seat): Michelle sent an E-mail!!!! that really gotta be something!!!! (luv u :P)... plus, the E-Mail had a simple link to one of the coolest thing I've ever seen... the first receptionist robot.

It's called Wakamaru (Shit... should I'd written "he's called..."?, here we go Asimov, here we go...) and it's a semi independant android that can recognize faces, schedules and more important, has the ability to encourage conversation with him. He can identify his position in a certain room by looking up to the ceiling and when "he" feels his energy is running out, he saves some to return to his docking station and reload. He has a continous internet connection and he can send you e-mail and notifications, specially when he is left alone at home and he senses motion around him.

Though Wakamaru (named after a samurai because of his "growt" concept and the eyebrows) isn't even close to any Asimov's AI robots, he is a realistic robot with a defined porpuse. And he should really work, for Mitsubishi (the developer) is planning to use them as receptionist. The main line about Wakamaru is that he not only serves, but he developes a personallity based on his owner's self personallity and schedule. And that is the breakthough, not only assambling pieces, but to have give them the possibility to addapt to it's enviroment.

Here is the english page of Wakamaru, and this is the original link Mich sent me (Fuck robots... she e-mailed me!!!)
damn... I really would love to have a Wakamaru of my own... (commercial break).... you can have yours by 1,000 dollar a day or 25,000 per year..... (end commercial break... silence)

July 23, 2007

Happiness Story

Please click to enlarge

A strange symbol found on a NYC's old building

Well, it certainly is weird to find mysteries on "new" world features. I mean, if a pyramid holds a secret symbol, that's ok... if Dan Brown sells books like maniac using old medieval symbols, that ok....... (well, maybe not that well.....)..... but finding a symbol on a building in NYC is just weird.

As you can see, it really simple. And for me there are just two possible meaning. One: The architect / owner / builder was into some religion and really wanted the building to stand for years holding the symbol. Or... they simply wanted to "draw" something funny on a wall.

Is that unbeliveable? Look around us: we have toys, we pin our walls with posters, we even paint our wall with no apparent reason. Why must everything have a meaning??? (weird thing to hear coming from a designer isn't it?) Perhaps olg egypticians simply liked the triangles... maybe they've had just discovered how to use it and so they decided to practice it on a pyramid... just as we do with hi-tech building that really don't need to be that high, that big, flying over a cayon or with that awesome looking twist in the main body.... we just build them 'cause we want. Cause we feel like it, cause it shows everybody that we can do it.

It'll be far more fun if in a few days somebody says: "Haha, I found the meaning of it!!!"... and surely Dan Brown will already be finishing another useless best seller... but thinking of a simply truth has always brought more results than trying to find the "unknow"....

(suck it up Dan!!!)... and read the full note here

July 19, 2007

Climate Changing for the Olympics

There's no doubt that every single chinesse live by tha code their country has dictated for centuries. Pround, Strong... Stubborn.

As they are hosting the 2008' s Olympics, they not only want to look like a new world lider, but want to show the world their displeasure with nature. China is the greater oppositor of a Anti-Global Warming Plan... and now, for the opening and closeur of the Olympics, they plan to prevent from raining. Simple no?

As they can see in the future (suckers) they know that on both days it's gonna rain heavily in the area, so they'll fire a couple of missiles that will clear the sky from clouds... even though they already have one of the most polluted cities in the world, Beijing, where the games will be hosted.

They just don't get that messing with nature has take us to where we are!!!

I guess their insect-like life has made them believe that after world's end there'll be only cockroaches and chinesse... (i know, i know) I really don't have anything against any specific chinesse... it's just that they pollicies and easy-going laws and applications will really mess it all. If they were (as a country... not as individuals) a tiny country, such a pollicies would really mean a little harm to our world... but they are the single largest country in the world!!!... where the concentration of population is way far from any other country!!!.... where if every single chinesse would toss a single piece of garbage in the street one day, would pollute more than most of the european countries in a week...

PS. I love China... their cultural history, their achievements... but as funny as it may sound.... PLEASE!!!... open you eyes!!!

See a note about the Olympics issue here

July 18, 2007

Brasil, otro avión, otras 200 vidas perdidas.

Un vuelo nacional de Brasil chocó ayer en el aeropuerto de Sao Paulo al intentar aterrizar en una pista mojada. El piloto notó que ya no podía frenar el avión e intentó elevarlo de nuevo.

El avión se salió de la pista, del aeropuerto y fue a dar a una calle bastante transitada y finalmente a una gasolinera y un almacen. 186 personas iban en el vuelo... mas las personas que tuvieron la mala fortuna de pasar por ahí en ese instante. Tres personas de la calle fueron llevadas al hospital y fallecieron (las tres) unas horas mas tarde.

El incendio duró varias horas y no hay ninguna esperanza de encontrar a alguien mas con vida.

Como es de esperarse, el aeropuero cerró los vuelos durante varias horas y un después de reabrir los vuelos, muchos pasajeros se reusaron a abordar.
Lo triste, es que este es el segundo avionazo en menos de un año en esa ciudad de Brasil. 155 personas murieron al chocar un avion comercial y un jet privado hace un par de meses.

A estas horas, los equipos de rescate se han convertido en levanta escombros y las victimas son puestas en congeladores para posterior examen forense... examen que buscará encontrar la identidad de las victimas por medio de sus dientes y joyas que pudieran haber llevado puestas.

Comunmente ante este tipo de accidentes, mi postura es simple... "vuelas, te puedes morir"... pero en este caso, la pista donde intentó aterrizar el avión estaba recien "rehabilitada" y muchas informes de hace un par de dias aseguraban que la pista no estaba en condiciones de recibir aviones bajo lluvia... obvio, el pavimento aun no se había acentado del todo y la lluvia producía que se enlodara... pinche política... pinche economía... el permitir una docena de vuelos mas al día nos acaba de costar 200 vidas inocentes.

... realmente me siento mal.......... de imaginar.... de ponerme en su lugar..... en el lugar de sus familias.... en el lugar de un ciudadano de Sao Paulo que no podrá dormir tranquilo sabiendo que su pinche gobierno prefiere un par de dolares mas a la vida de cualquiera de los que ahí habita...

shit... feel like crying.... better go

July 17, 2007

Let Down

Transport, motorways and tramlines,
starting and then stopping,
taking off and landing,
the emptiest of feelings,
disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,
and when it comes it's so, so, disappointing.

Let down and hanging around,
crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.

Shell smashed, juices flowing
wings twitch, legs are going,
don't get sentimental,
it always ends up drivel.
One day, I am gonna grow wings,
a chemical reaction,
hysterical and useless
hysterical and

let down and hanging around,
crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.

Let down,
Let down,
Let down.

You know, you know where you are with,
you know where you are with,
floor collapsing, falling, bouncing back
and one day, I am gonna grow wings,
a chemical reaction, [You know where you are,]
hysterical and useless [you know where you are,]
hysterical and [you know where you are,]

let down and hanging around,
crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.
Let Down / Radiohead

July 16, 2007

Squirt Dementia

As you might imagine, as I wrote "squirt" on every search engine looking for the logo of the soda, I found each and every single image of female eyaculation in this planet :S ... so, instead of searching images I searched on the web... and this page really caught my attention... www.squirtpage.com

Shit!!!!.. you really gotta be fucked up in the head to dedicate a site to something that stupid!!!
...any way... check it.

The main line if this story: The soda companies never ever upload their logos to the web, there are too many people in this world with nothing to do and don't ever call a soda the same as an adult theme xxx issue... even if it has more than 50 years in the market. Cadbury... you're in troubles.

July 08, 2007

El tiempo no pasa en vano...

Muchos años despues... una vida después... puedo decir que nada se ha perdido...
Solo un poco de cabello, condición física, memoria y cordura... de ahí en fuera... que gusto haber estado con ustedes dos el día de hoy.

July 07, 2007

July 7th 2007 (07.07.07) / 14 Tzec / 12 Cimi

Now you see how special dates are only special for the one observating them.
Today being special is only because you may want it to be so. Though it's has always been interesting calculating this dates...

July 06, 2007


The legend tells that he came from the warm waters of the east, flying through the night and enlighting the souls and minds of our people in the time we needed him the most.

Wind of green filled the sky, the Bright Star -Lamat, Venus- shined up in the sky; the red and gold of the Quetzal blinded our eyes, while our hearts became one with the soul of the Feathered Serpent: Kukulkan.

July 05, 2007


Buenas noches mi amor,
que sueñes con plumas verdes y doradas,
con dioses y hechiceros,
con princesas convertidas en flores
y sus guerreros que las cuidan,
con templos y ciudades
y con una vida que vamos a encontrar.

Brain Storm

Super Mario Theme

I found this video yesterday... I haven't even heard it... my speakers are unplugged and I really don't wanna get up to do so... so, I post it and I'll watch it later with sound... but it do look like it's great!!!

July 04, 2007

The Super Mario Bros Super Show... shit again...

Oh Shit!!!

.... I've found this commercial... it's so horrible!!!... and that's why I post it.

July 03, 2007

Henri de Toulouse Lautrec

We've been researching some of this great artist looking for some twins or a pair of women... but as I love Toulouse's work, I decided to post some of his great work... this first one is my favorite ever since i first saw it.