September 29, 2007

Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get It Started... or Retarded?

September 28, 2007

Spiderman: Friend or Foe Cinematic

September 24, 2007


Bueno... como ya la mayoría ha de saber, el pasado 31 de agosto me eche un santo clavado en un parque ahí por insurgentes. Dado que en la caída mis manos no tuvieron nada que ver... el resultado fue la mitad de mi cara golpeada y raspada y tres semanas de incapacidad.

Como esto fue un viernes a la hora de la comida, se encontraban conmigo mis cuates de sistemas y Klaus tuvo a bien grabar nuestras estupideces y por tanto, la caída... y ahora, gracias a la magia de YouTube, les presento la grabación del madrazo... jajaja

Queden advertidos, (en especial si son familiares mios propensos a impresionarse fácilmente.. jejeje) que el madrazo se ve un poco aparatoso e impresiona un poco... jajajajaja

Esta foto fue tomada al día siguiente...

Esta fue durante la grabación de uno de nuestros cortos en el que no fui mucho mas que un vil observador... jajajaja... y estoy con el buen Sadot y el señor Rodrigo. Nótese que aunque el golpe fue del otro lado, el ojo izquierdo terminó morado...bueno, amarillo... lo cual me daba la apariencia de haber sido todo golpeado... jajajaja

Y pos esta ya es de la semana pasada... ya nomas con costras y eso... jajaja

¿Cómo ven?... estuvo con todo el golpe ¿no? jajajajaja
Ya nomás quiero agradecerle a Claudia, Mony y Jesús por haberme echado la mano ahí en el parque... a todo los CTPeros por el apoyo y los comentarios sarcásticos (que bien que ayudan... jeje) a mi familia por ayudarme estos dias... a Mich y Marianita por hacerme reír y provocar que me queden cicatrices en la comisura... jajaja.... y en especial a buen señor Benjamín por haberme ayudado y acompañado al hospital (se agradece enormemente :D)

Así que ya saben... aunque este golpe de una manera muy extraña me ayudo en mucho (a veces se necesita una caida así pa ordenar las ideas....... :S) la moraleja de la historia es: NO HAGAN TONTERIAS!!!! jajajajaja...

Marcel Marceu

The greatest mime, Marcel "Marceu" Mangel died on September 22th. He was the only one who brought back to live the art of mimes after the World War II and he founded the greatest mime school in Paris.

September 23, 2007

Why Not?

NASA has discovered seven big caves over Mars surface. They are by the tallest mountain in the whole planet and they might be huge. As in Earth, caves do preserve heat in the cold nights of mars and keep from the extreme heat/radiation that the unprotected atmosphere of mars present during day time. This kind of caves might have had, or still might have, living organism.

But NASA scientist discard this seven caves, nicknamed "Seven Sisters", for they are too high and (I quote) "Live can't be supported at that high". Of course caves would seem like a familiar spot for the first people on mars, and of course a cave at that high might be not useful, but as for Martian life... why not???

Live have show us that it can hang on anywhere, even when we thought seas where too deep or volcanoes too hot, it has managed to go on. Interesting and almost philosophical issue... Here's the note.

PS. Please notice that this Seven Sisters are almost perfectly round... mmmm

September 13, 2007

Ironman Movie Trailer

September 11, 2007

Salt Water as Fuel

In a discovery that everybody is calling "The greatest in 100 years", a doctor that was researching possible cures for cancer, discovered that with radio frequency he could burn the salt in water uo to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is HUGE!!!!

We're talking that the greatest resource in this planet is exploitable as a fuel and it is also regenerable. We could use as much water as needed and still have enough for thousands of generations. This might be, if proved right, the solution to long term Global Warming and it is also a great breakthrough as far a alternative technologies, for a couple of years ago, this discovery would've been kept by the big oil companies.

Let's just remember that the first fuel for machines was water, as vapor. And it really worked. The main issue was the need for wood or carbon to ignite and vaporize water. This problem is now solved by radio frequency wich only needs a thind electric impulse to work.

Hopefully, this will be the discovery that will change our way of life.

See the note here

September 10, 2007

Architecture In Helsinki - Do the Whirlwind

El buen Rodrigo me acaba de pasar este link... ta muy bueno :D

September 09, 2007

Was Will Shakespeare for real?

After years and years of reading Shakespeare, a "coallition" has declared that they seriously doubt that Shakespeare had wrote his plays, since his humble origins would not have allow him to know the dark secrets of his age, specially since in that time power circles were so tight.

It is actually an interesting idea, that people like Chaplin, Wells or Twain have supported in the past. I leave you the link to the main page of this coallition:

September 04, 2007

Foo Fighters - The Pretender