June 28, 2007

Funny Transformers TV Spot

June 27, 2007

Atlantis / Tenochtitlan

Como bien saben, he estudiado ampliamente la cultura maya lo cual me ha llevado inevitablemente a estudiar a las demás culturas mesoamericanas. Entre ellas, Tenochtitlan capital del imperio azteca.
Entre tanto mistisismo y ocultismo que este tema conlleva, llegué a estudiar a Tesla (tema para otro ensayo) lo que me llevó a Atlantis.

Todo lo que se diga sobre esta civilización perdida nunca estará a la altura de lo que el misterio por si mismo encierra, pero aun así nos ha facinado por milenios. Entre otras cosas, ha alimentado la imaginación de miles de artistas, quienes basandoce en los dialogos de Platón han ilustrado con lujo de detalle la supuesta ciudad de Atlantis (ó Poseida). Y fué una de estas ilusstraciones la que me llevó a conjeturar un poco mas de lo normal sobre el tema.

La primer ilustración corresponde a una apreciación artística de Atlantis según Platón, la segunda a una apreciación del mismo estilo de Tenochtitlan según fuentes españolas y en la última, un mapa de la época de la colonia. En todas ellas vemos lo mismo: Un conjunto de palacios amurallados en el epicentro y varios circulos de construcciones alrededor. Toda la ciudad se encuentra rodeada por agua de un lago y para entrar es necesario el uso de canoas o puentes. El problema es que Tenochtitlan si existió.

Estas similitudes puedan parecer circunstanciales, pero explorando mas los textos de Platón, él narra que la Atlantis estaba rodeada por agua, que la ciudad era una fortaleza y que estaba pintada de cuatro colores característicos según el uso ó la ubicación del edificio... y esa precisamente tambien era una costumbre mesoamericana. Cada punto cardinal tenía un color distintivo y las ciudades eran pintadas en su totalidad en estos colores.
La principal oposición es que Tenochtitlan se fundó milenios después de la supuesta desaparición de Atlantis, pero recordemos que Teotihuacán es una ciudad milenaria de la cual no sabemos nada y que se ha demostrado que también estaba pintada de colores en su época dorada.

Con esto no quiero decir que Platón haya viajado a América (además de la América del futuro) y visto Tenochtitlan y la haya nombrado Poseida... por la cantidad de agua alrededor) pero esa construcción atlante bien pudo haber sido reutilizada ó reinterpretada por arquitectos mexicas varios siglos después.

Este tipo de teorias son ampliamente aceptadas, ya que hay elementos lingüisticos y culturales (como palabras, estilos pictóricos y arquitectónicos y filosofía religiosa) que coinciden en culturas de América, Africa, Medio Oriente, Asia e inclusive la alta Europa. Esto lleva a pensar que un origen común no es tan descabellado. Toda cultura rica en historia mitológica narra la destrucción del mundo por una inundación global y de como los sobrevivientes se "embarcaron" en tecnología de punta para salvarse migrando a otras partes del mundo.

Ya se como suena esto. En su momento yo también me sentí un poco mal por pensar en teorias tan radicales, pero considera un momento esto: Hoy el mundo se acaba. De la noche a la mañana se destruye todo rastro de nuestra civilización. Los sobrevivientes serían un puñado de personas en un avión, un barco... hasta en un trasnbordador espacial. Regresan a poblar el desolado panorama... ¿Y qué queda? Una humanidad desde cero, con nada mas que el limitado conocimiento individual para volver a forjar grandes naciones. Los niños que nazcan o crescan en ese mundo, ¿Qué historias oirán? ¿Sobre hombres en la luna, bajo el mar, moviendose a la velocidad del sonido, hablando de genes y química, curando enfermedades con un simple frasco... construyendo torres que llegan hasta el cielo? Para mi, eso suena a cualquier mitología relacionada a cualquier dios. ¿Podrían nuestros dioses ser nosotros mismo en una época pasada, parcialmente olvidada debido a un cataclismo? Yo digo que muy posiblemente y este es un tema que me propongo estudiar y analisar poco a poco, subiendo mis conclusiones y fuentes a este blog... ya que realmente hay mucha tela de donde cortar...

June 24, 2007


I played this game a few months ago, in it's earlier version. Now, it bigger, with more zombies and it's for two players.
Give it a shot (hehe) and play it, you'll find (as I did) that this is possibly the most addictive game ever.

Boxhead 2Play Rooms
Además de tener mejores gráficos, más habitaciones, más misiones, más zombies, más armas... Es un juego para uno o dos jugadores

June 23, 2007

The Uggliest Dog in the World (certified)

June 22, 2007

Jinja - Mini Game

Recoge los diferentes objetos que se encuentran en este templo japonés y resuelve los diferentes puzzles

Midnight Baseball

Yesterday, at the summer solstice, the Earth inclined to it's most showing the north pole to the sun. That's why yesterday never went night in Alaska... and how do people there celebrate this?... By playing baseball at midnight! Sound cool isn't it... but imagine (you tropical people) what does it feel to be so god damn tired at midnight but feel it like if it were mid day... ???

I leave a note here, with more photos... for it is really cool to see the amount of light (and heat) at midnight.

"Common' Mike!... it's only 2am...!!!!"

June 21, 2007 / 18 Zotz / 9 Oc

2007 Summer Solstice
Happy season shift

June 20, 2007

I Am One

Heart Kanji at his back, and a heart at his hand...

"All I ever wanted was everything and all I got was shit...
... nothing can be taken from me that has not already been taken"



click on the image to enlarge

June 18, 2007

Coolest TV Commercials EVER!!...

Here are some tv ad's that I loved since the very first time I watched 'em... enjoy.

June 14, 2007

Mars had water

In a sort of official announcemet, NASA scientist have declared that there's evidence that at least one third of martian soil was once an ocean bottom.

This is being a subject long ago discussed, that really came to attention when the Mars' Rovers got to analyse real martian ground samples. But the fact that make this scientist turn to this conclution is that there are visible shorelines near the ecuator. But this massive oceans (it's believed that there were at least to of them) weren't just near the ecuator. Some research has brought the idea that this oceans were visible like a billion years ago, so, the planet has deformed because of it's gravity force making his cliffs and shorelines more "edgy" near the poles.

This have kindda sense. Now the question turns to "where's all that water?" for that amount of water is unlikely to have vapored into space and if it is inside the planet, the density scans on that planet should've told us already that it is there.

A big step, no doubt, for understanding how that planet became what it is today means we can try not to take our little planet to the same level... just imagine, what if Mars' water didn't dry... what if someone took it all... waste it, burned it...

see a note here

June 12, 2007

(Don't get any) Big Ideas

Don't get any big ideas
They're not gonna happen
You paint your house white and feel the noise
But there'll be something missing

And now that you found it, it's gone
Now that you feel it, you don't
You've gone off the rail

She stands stark naked and she beckons you to bed
Don't go you'll only want to come back again

So don't get any big ideas
They're not gonna happen
You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking

And now that you found it, it's gone
And now that you feel it, you don't
You've gone off the rail

(Don't get any) Big Ideas // Radiohead

June 06, 2007

A new Cold War?

The G-8 in now in Germany. The main subject to discuss is the Global Warming, but it seems that Mr. Bush is (once again) far more interested in war. During this sessions, Rusia (being a "guest" among the other 8) has declared that they are not pleased at all with US placing missiles on European ground, specially so close to them. This "Missile Shield" US is setting, serves as a defence againts a possible middle east attack, specially since Iran has not yet granted access to the UN to check their Nuclear Weapons Program. But we all know missiles didn't born like a defensive system, and that's why russiand are all freaked out.

So, as a result, Russia has now announced that they'll set another defense system, and China is following them. This actions have just brought back the felling of a Cold War. I mean, the US sets a defense system, Russia and China do the same, now US have to respond to it with a better "anti-defense" system... and so on.
Bush is playing nice now, saying Mr. Putin is actually and allied and that this tension is only because of a difference between the two countries. Wish I could hear Putin's words abou that, specially since the Anti-USA felling has been growing in Asia and Europe.

Once again, it's a shame that we might very well be facing the end of mankind as we know it because of Global Warming, and our leaders are finding way to stab each other on the back.
Fuck pollitics.

Celulas Madre como tratamiento para la Ceguera

Un grupo de científicos ingleses, planea realizar la primer implantación de celulas embrionarias en un ojo humano para rehabilitar las funciones visuales. La enfermedad degenerativa AMD produce una "capa" sobre las celulas que reciben la información luminosa, por lo cual la visión se reduce. Esta enfermedad aqueja principalmente a personas mayores y el proposito de esta operación es logar un procedimiento cotidiano en el cual en un máximo de 45 minutos y con anestesia local se pueda devolver la vista.

Como es de esperarse, el debate ya ha comenzado sobre el tema, ya que los grupos que están en contra del uso de Celulas Madre de embriones protestan por popularizar un procedimiento como este.
Ve la nota aquí.

June 01, 2007

Some guy's: My conversion to Atheism

Well, I've just found this... it's a video about someone finding the reason for not to believe in God.
Check it... kindda good.
clipped from www.youtube.com

Planetary Night

Last night, as I was arriving home, I remembered that the moon was full that night. I searched for her and when I found it I saw there was a planet beside her. Thought it was Venus, but I remembered that Venus did "stood" by the moon but on may 20th... so it couldn't be. As I arrived, I spotted Venus, very big and bright, to the west... therefore, the other planet got to be Jupiter... Saturn being in luck.

I ran up stairs and talked by dad to get the telescope and find out. We first locked Venus, for it was getting pretty close (and fast) to the horizon. Being honest, our telescope ain't much of a thing... (but it does have a telescope/cpu interaction... with some software I haven't even loaded... :P) so fixxing on a planet is really hard, but last night I did. After chasing Venus for a while, I locked it with the weakest of our lenses and little by little I switched to the biggest of them. Fot the first time, I got to se craters on Venus surface. It looks kind like the moon, but blueish... and far more death. The funny thing was that being too close to Earth, it really move too fast.

Once we saw Venus, we radically change the view to the East-Southeast where the so far Unknown planet and the Moon were.
Well, if Venus was hard too spot.. this planet really made it almost impossible. But after almos 15 minutes (which in sky observation is a lifetime) I got to lock it. One bright planet and four gorgeously aligned moons. Jupiter.... quite and spectacle. Seeing this so far away planet, as if it where a half moon... with those tiny half moon around it. Perfectly aligned, in 45° counter clockwise from the planet.

As it was late, we decided we would just take a glanze of the moon... And I must say that for me, there's nothing more peaceful that seeing this gorgeous being in a telescope... each sea... each crater... I even focused a specific crater, so I could see the details within it.

I feel kindda weird still... it's an expirience that feels so right, so natural...